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Jon's latest activity

  • Jon
    Jon replied to the thread Do you believe in witches?.
    I only believe in what I can see, touch and feel. As far as I'm concerned, there is no way for me to believe that witches are real and...
  • Jon
    Jon replied to the thread When do you get paid?.
    My workplace pay all their workers on weekly basis. It's how I like to get paid to be very honest. I wouldn't accept daily pay because...
  • Jon
    Jon replied to the thread What's your best way for relaxation?.
    Watching movies and TV shows Playing video games Going for a swim Sleeping I choose doing either of these to relax.
  • Jon
    My smartphone is the only handheld device which I used to play video games with recently. I've used Gameboy years ago but no longer have...
  • Jon
    Jon replied to the thread Picking your teeth?.
    I'm not gap teeth, this makes it difficult for me to have anything stuck in between my teeth after eating. I'm happy my teeth is set...